In the R&D Training and Measurement Center of the Central Laboratory, there are mechanical test systems, molecular weight determination, element and thermal analysis devices and advanced technology spectroscopy devices, as well as devices for the determination of electrical, magnetic, optical, rheological and surface properties of materials.

Service Fees

We do not have a decision rule and no declaration of conformity is given.

Depending on the Applicant Institution Following Discount Rates can be Applied.
METU %65
Universities other than METU (Public, Foundation) %40
METU Technopark %30
Public institutions and organizations %20
Technoparks at Other Universities %15
Public University and private sector cooperation
(If the application is made through the University Channel)



METU Central Laboratory reserves the right to change the
Fees and/or Price System without prior notice.


20% VAT is not included in the Analysis Fees.

There is no university or institution discount in the analysis fee for individual applications made by
university or institution personnel who are not faculty members or project coordinators.


For test requests, multiple samples and research test requests that are not specified in the test list,
the service fees are separately determined by the MERLAB Senior Management.

METU Central Laboratory reserves the right to change the Fees and/or Remuneration System without prior notice.

Chemical Analysis Laboratory (KAL)

Method/Analysis Adı Service Description Fee Analysis Request Form
Atomic Absorption Spectrometer Analiz 800₺/Element Out of order
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer

Before applying for ICP-MS, please contact the Chemical Analysis Laboratory (mlabkalatmetu [dot] edu [dot] tr).

Single Element 1300₺/Sample Form
Generic Scan 2200₺/Sample
Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer Single Element 1100₺/Sample Form
Generic Scan 1700₺/Sample
UV-VIS Spectrophotometers Analysis** 400₺/Sample Out of order
X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry Analysis1 1600₺/Sample Form
Microwave-Assisted Dissolution Nitric Acid (Partial dissolution) 1200₺/Sample Form
Aqua Regia (Partial dissolution) 1400₺/Sample
Multi-Acid 1600₺/Sample
HF/Borik asit gerektiren işlemler 2000₺/Sample
Additional Samplle Preparation  Steps Desiccation 60₺/Sample In lab service
Centrifugal 180₺/Sample
Açıkta çözeltiye alma 600₺/Sample

*For each added element an additional fee of 120 ₺ for ICP-OES and 180 ₺ for ICP-MS is charged. It does not include Hg, B, Ag, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ir, Pt and Au elements, these elements are charged separately.

  • ICP-MS, ICP-OES analysis costs do not include solution and pre-treatments. The procedures to be applied may differ according to the sample characteristics. Pricing for these transactions is available in the table above.
  • There are standard solution and analysis methods applied in our laboratory. If the information requested in the KAL test request form is not specified in the relevant places, standard methods are applied. For this reason, it is important to share information about the samples (especially in the determination of boron, silver and mercury).
  • In some microwave system solutions, the quenching (complexation) process is carried out using boric acid. In cases where BOR determination is requested in the same sample, a separate solution is applied and charged.

Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties Measurement Laboratory(EMOL)

Method/Analysis Name Description Fee Analysis Request Form
Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) if probe is not brought 2350₺/Saat Form

When a new probe is requested or a new probe is used, the probe cost is included in the analysis fee.


Probe cost is 1200 ₺ and no discount is applied.

Barkhausen   700₺/Hour Form
Color Spectrophotometer Color Determination 600₺/Sample Form
Digital Multimeters DC Resistance Measurement at Room Temperature 600₺/Sample Form
Impedance/Gain Phase Factor   600₺/Sample Form
Quasi-Static C-V Meter   600₺/Sample Form
Electrical and Magnetic Properties Measurement System Magnetic Hysteresis Measurement (VSM) 1650₺/Sample Out of order
Magnetic Susceptibility Measurement (Room Temperature) 1650₺/Sample
VSM or Magnetic Susceptibility Measurement (Room Temperature – 150K) 1850₺/Sample
VSM or Magnetic Susceptibility Measurement (150K-2K) 1850₺/Sample
VSM or Magnetic Susceptibility Measurement (Room Temperature – 2K) 2400₺/Sample
DC Resistance measurement (Room Temperature – 150K) 1250₺/Sample
DC Resistance measurement (150K-2K) 1250₺/Sample
DC Resistance measurement (Room Temperature – 2K) 1700₺/Sample

Electron Microscopy Laboratory (EML)

Method/Analysis Name Service Description Fee Analysis Request Form
EPMA Hourly Analysis 900₺/Hour Equipment Failure
Half-Day Analysis 1800₺/Hour
Full Day Analysis 2600₺/Day
Overnight Analysis 500₺/Hour (Maximum 2600₺/Overnight)
EPMA Sample Preperation Carbon Coating for Up to 4 Samples 130₺/Set
Scanning Electron Microscope FE-SEM, EDS every 60 minutes 3600₺/Hour Form
For after 6 samples, provided that it is within the analysis period 600₺/Sample
EBSD 7200₺/Hour
Scanning Electron Microscope Sample Preparation Units 1 Set (up to 6 Samples) sample preparation and coating 800₺/Set  

Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy Laboratory (ESRL)

Method/Analysis Name Service Description Fee Analysis Request Form
Room temperature ESR analysis 1 Hour 600₺ Arızalı
2 Hour 720₺
3 Hour 800₺
4 Hour 1060₺
5 Hour 1150₺
6 Hour 1260₺
7 Hour 1350₺
Per Sample 600₺/Sample
Low temperature ESR analysis 1 Hour 900₺ Arızalı
2 Hour 1000₺
3 Hour 1100₺
4 Hour 1200₺
5 Hour 1300₺
6 Hour 1400₺
7 Hour 1500₺
Temperature scan Ask
Rradical quenching analysis First Analysis 600₺ Arızalı
For each period 600₺

Growth Chamber

Method/Analysis Name Service Description Fee Analysis Request Form
Usage 1200₺/Day contact via e-mail

High Resolution Mass Spectroscopy Laboratory (YKL)

Method/Analysis Name Service Description Fee Analysis Request Form
Full Mass Determination (HRMS)   900₺/Sample Form
HRMS supplementary sample requirements form
LCMS Analysis   1300₺/Sample Out of order

For HRMS analysis, one component is analyzed per sample, and a general spectrum is provided. If additional components are requested for analysis, there will be an extra charge of 250₺ per component.

For ESI analysis, if both positive and negative modes are requested together, they will be charged as two separate analyses.

Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy Laboratory (KORL)

Method/Analysis Name Service Description Fee Analysis Request Form
Dispersive Raman Spectrometer Measurements using one laser 8500₺/Sample Out of order
Depth Profile (1 Laser)


Mapping (1 Laser) 1000₺/Sample
FTIR Spectrometer FTIR Spectrum 500₺/Sample


Far-IR (FIR(700-40)) range is not available

FTIR Microscope 1000₺/Hour

Mechanical Testing Laboratory (MTL)

Method/Analysis Name Service Description Fee Analysis Request Form
Impact test system Charpy, Izod, Penetration (Room Temperature) 750₺/Sample Form
Charpy, Izod, Penetration (at High Temperatures) 1500₺/Sample
Charpy, Izod, Penetration (at Low Temperatures) 1900₺/Sample
Universal macro hardness testing system Macro Hardness Measurement (Brinell, *Vickers, or Rockwell) 675₺/Sample Ot of order
Micro Hardness Measurement (Vickers) 675₺/Sample Form
Universal test (Instron) Compression (Room Temperature) 900₺/Sample Form
Determination of tensile properties (Room Temperature) 900₺/Sample
High Temperatures (up to 1000°C) 2250₺/Sample
Low Temperatures 2500₺/Sample
Universal test (ZWICK) Compression (Oda Sıcaklığı) 900₺/Sample Form
*Pull (Oda Sıcaklığı) 900₺/Sample
3 Point Bending Eğme (Room temperature) 900₺/Sample
4 Point Bending(Room temperature) 900₺/Sample


Multiple and identical samples (eg tensile test samples for plastics) will receive an additional 10% discount for 30 samples or more.

*Accredited Methods


  • EN ISO 527-1, TS EN ISO 527-1, Plastics -  Determination of Tensile - Properties Chapter 1: General Principles
  • EN ISO 527-2, TS EN ISO 527-2, Plastics -  Determination of Tensile - Chapter 2: Experiment Conditions for Moulding and Extrusion Plastic Materials
  • EN ISO 527-3, TS 1398-3 EN ISO 527-3, Plastics -  Determination of Tensile - Chapter 3: Experiment Conditions for materials in the form of sheets and films
  • EN ISO 527-4, TS 1398-3 EN ISO 527-4, Plastics -  Determination of Tensile - Chapter 4: Experiment Conditions for Isotropic And Orthotropic Fibre-Reinforced Plastic Composites
  • EN ISO 6892-1, TS EN ISO 6892-1, Metallic Materials -  Tensile Testing - Chapter 1: Method Of Testing at Room Temperature

Nano-Mechanical Test Laboratory (NMTL)

Method/Analysis Name Service Description Fee Analysis Request Form
Nano-Micro Mechanical Test System Micro Scratch 1200₺/Sample Form
Nano or Micro Indentation (up to 5 traces) 1000₺/Sample
Nano or Micro Indentation (3x3 matrix) 1100₺/Sample
Nano or Micro Indentation (4x4 matrix) 1150/Sample
Nano or Micro Indentation (5x5 matrix) 1200₺/Sample
For the desired AFM experiment with these analyzes 1000₺/Sample

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Laboratory (NMRL)

Method/Analysis Name Service Description Fee Analysis Request Form
Solid NMR 13CPMAS 4 Hours 1500₺ Out of order
8 Hours 1825₺
16 Hours 2300₺
27 Hours 2620₺
When the sample contaminates the sample chamber 6600₺
Solid NMR 29SiMAS, 27AlMAS 4 Hours 1730₺ Out of order
8 Hours 2190₺
16 Hours 2500₺
27 Hours 3120₺
When the sample contaminates the sample chamber 6600₺
Liguid NMR 1H (Proton) Spectrum 520₺/Sample Form
13C (Coupled/Decoupled) Spectrum 0-1 Hours 875₺/Sample
13C (Coupled/Decoupled) Spectrum 1-3 Hours 1035₺/Sample
13C (Coupled/Decoupled) Spectrum 3-7 Hours 1200₺/Sample
13C (Coupled/Decoupled) Spectrum 7-19 Hours 1560₺/Sample
31P Spectrum 1130₺/Sample
19F Spectrum 1130₺/Sample


Acetone-D6 The responsibility for procuring the requisite chemical solvent lies with the interested party.
Benzene-D6 The responsibility for procuring the requisite chemical solvent lies with the interested party.
Chloroform-D1 100₺
Deuterium Oxide 100₺
Dimethyl sulfoxide-D6 100₺
Pyridine-D5 The responsibility for procuring the requisite chemical solvent lies with the interested party.
Toluene-D8 The responsibility for procuring the requisite chemical solvent lies with the interested party.

Particle Size and Zeta Potential Measurement Laboratory (PZL)

Analysis will not be performed between 3-14 July 2023 in the PZL Laboratory. The sample acceptance process will continue.

Method/Analysis Name Service Description Fee Analysis Request Form
Mastersizer Size Measurement (Wet Analysis 50nm-1mm) 1000₺/Sample Form
Size Measurement (Dry Analysis 50nm-1mm) 1100₺/Sample
Zetasizer Zeta Potential Measurement 1100₺/Sample Form
Size Measurement (2nm - 1um) 1000₺/Sample

Polymer Analysis Laboratory (PAL)

Method/Analysis Name Service Description Fee Analysis Request Form
Size Exclusion Chromatography1 1800₺/Sample Form
Elemental Analysis Determination of C,H,N,S 1000₺/Sample Out of order
Dynamic Light Scattering Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) 740₺/Sample Form
Static Light Scattering (SLS) 1400₺/Sample
Refractive Index (for liquids) Refractive Index (n) (single measurement) 500₺/Sample Form
Determination of Refractive Index (dn/dc) 700₺/Sample

1If the received sample cannot be fully dissolved in the specified solvent, the analysis cannot be performed, and a fee of 300₺ is charged for the dissolving process.


NOTE: At least 3 different concentrations must be prepared for dn/dc determination.

Radiogenic Isotope Laboratory (RIL)

Applications are currently not being accepted due to ongoing maintenance or repair work in our laboratory. Analysis will resume once this work is complete.

Method/Analysis Name Service Description Fee Analysis Request Form
Radiogenic Isotope Analysis 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio analysis (including dissolution in acid and Sr separation by ion chromatography) 4500₺/Sample Maintenance
143Nd/144Nd isotope ratio analysis (including dissolution in acid and Nd separation by ion chromatography) 4200₺/Sample
Lead isotope ratio analysis (including dissolution in acid and Pb separation by ion chromatography) 4200₺/Sample
Rock Crushing and Powder Sample Preparation Powder sample preparation for radiogenic isotope ratio analysis (up to 3 kg rock sample crushing, 50 g powder sample grinding) 450₺/Sample Maintenance

Rheological Characterization Laboratory (RKL)

Method/Analysis Name Service Description Fee Analysis Request Form
Capillary Rheometer   2750₺/Sample Form
Rheometer Temperature Scan (Starting from room temperature) 2500₺/Sample Form
Strain Scan 1750₺/Sample
Frequency Scan 1750₺/Sample
Viscosity measurement 1850₺/Sample
Rheometer (High Temperature) Strain Scan 2000₺/Sample
Frequency Scan 2000₺/Sample
Viscosity measurement 2250₺/Sample

Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry Laboratory (DİL)

Method/Analysis Name Description Price Analysis Request Form
Water Samples 18O/16O quantification 1000₺/Sample Form
2H/1H quantification 1000₺/Sample
13C/12C - DIC quantification 1000₺/Sample
Solid Samples 13C/12C, 18O/16O - carbonate quantification 1000₺/Sample Form

* Accredited Analyses

Please consult the laboratory before sending applications and samples, there is already a sample analysis queue.


Surface Analysis Laboratory (YAL)

Method/Analysis Name Service Description Fee Analysis Request Form
TOF-SIMS TOF-SIMS Analysis 6000/Hour Out Of Order
Imaging 7000/Sample
XPS  General Scan 2000/Sample Form
Partial Scan 2400/Sample
Imaging 4000/Sample
UV-XPS 4000/Sample
Derinlik Profili (XPS) 2 Layers 3542 Form
3 Layers 3646
4 Layers 4294
5 Layers 4906
6 Layers 5554
7 Layers 6098
8 Layers 6576
9 Layers 7087
10 Layers 7598
11 Layers 8042
12 Layers 8450
13 Layers 8823
14 Layers 9267
15 Layers 9710
16 Layers 10086
17 Layers 10527
18 Layers 10868
19 Layers 11243
20 Layers 11584
21 Layers 11960
22 Layers 12300
23 Layers 12709
24 Layers 12982
25 Layers 13322
26 Layers 13628
27 Layers 13969
Açı sayısına göre 1 adet 1756 Form
2 adet 2489
3 adet 3093
4 adet 3669
5 adet 4220
6 adet 4718
7 adet 5190
8 adet 5662
9 adet 6132
10 adet 6579
11 adet 7024
12 adet 7469
13 adet 7862
14 adet 8282
15 adet 8674
16 adet 9041
17 adet 9461
18 adet 9828
19 adet 10221
20 adet 10588

Surface and Pore Characterization Laboratory (YGL)

Method/Analysis Name Service Description Fee Analysis Request Form
Mercury Porosimetry Düşük Basınç Gözeneklilik Ölçümü 1300₺/Sample Form
Düşük Basınç Gözenek Boyut Dağılımı Ölçümü 1100₺/Sample
Düşük BasınçToplam Porozite Ölçümü 2000₺/Sample
Yüksek Basınç Gözenek Boyut Dağılımı Ölçümü 1500₺/Sample
Yüksek BasınçToplam Porozite Ölçümü 1800₺/Sample
Helium Pycnometer   600₺/Sample Form
Contact Angle and Surface Tension Yüzeylerde temas açısı ölçümü 700₺/Sample Form
Yüzeylerde serbest yüzey enerjisi ölçümü 2400₺/Sample
Sıvılarda yüzey gerilimi ölçümü 700₺/Sample
Surface Characterization Single-point BET Analysis 600₺/Sample Form
Multipoint BET Analysis 900₺/Sample
Mesopore Analysis
(Multipoint BET Area, Pore Size Distribution, Average Pore Size, Total Pore Volume)
Extended Mesopore Analysis
(For structures with mesoporous and large micropores)
Micropore Analysis - Adsorption Isotherm
(Multipoint BET Area, Pore Size Distribution, Average Pore Size, Total Pore Volume)
Micropore Analysis - Adsorption + Desorption Isotherm
(Multipoint BET Area, Pore Size Distribution, Average Pore Size, Total Pore Volume)

Thermal Analysis Laboratory (TAL)

Method/Analysis Name Service Description Fee Analysis Request Form
DSC (-90°C – 550°C) 1 Hour 1800₺/Sample Form
2 Hours 2400₺/Sample
3 Hours 3200₺/Sample
4 Hours 4200₺/Sample
DMA (25°C - 600°C)
Delays could be possible due to high application volume
1 Hour 1800₺/Sample Form
2 Hours 2400₺/Sample
3 Hours 3200₺/Sample
4 Hours 4200₺/Sample
DMA (-150°C - 600°C)
Delays could be possible due to high application volume
1 Hours 2000₺/Sample Form
2 Hours 2500₺/Sample
3 Hours 3000₺/Sample
4 Hours 3600₺/Sample
*TGA (25°C - 950°C) 1 Hour 1800₺/Sample Form
2 Hours 2400₺/Sample
3 Hours 3200₺/Sample
4 Hours 4200₺/Sample
TGA+DSC (25°C - 1200°C) 1 Hours 1800₺/Sample Form
2 Hours 2400₺/Sample
3 Hours 3200₺/Sample
4 Hours 4200₺/Sample
TGA+FTIR (25°C - 950°C) 1 Hour 1800₺/Sample Out of order
2 Hours 2400₺/Sample
3 Hours 3200₺/Sample
4 Hours 4200₺/Sample
Thermal Conductivity Analysis Single Temperature/1 Hour 1500₺/Sample Form

Cup price for SDT is 5000₺.

Additional requests such as FTIR wavelength, Excel data will be charged 100₺/Sample.

*Accredited Methods:

  • EN ISO 11357-1 TS EN ISO 11357-1  Plastics - Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) Chapter 1: General Principles
  • EN ISO 11357-2 TS EN ISO 11357-2  Plastics - Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) Chapter 2: Glass Transition Temperature Characterization
  • EN ISO 11357-3 TS EN ISO 11357-3  Plastics - Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) Chapter 3: Christallization, Melting Enthalpy, and Temperature Determination
  • EN ISO 11358-1 TS EN ISO 11358-1  Plastics - Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) Of Polymers

20% Accreditation Fee is Added to the Prices Above for Accredited Tests.

Transmission Electron Microscopy Laboratory (TEML)

Method/Analysis Name Service Description Fee Analysis Request Form
TEM CTEM, 120KV 4000₺/Hour Form
Since the microscope part is expected, it is active with the precondition that analysis can be made in limited times when stable conditions can occur.
4000₺/Hour Form

TEM sample preparation: 3000 ₺/Hour

Ultramicrotome: 3000₺/hour
For samples with sample preparation time less than 15 minutes, only the consumable fee is charged.
Sample preparation on the grid: 250₺/Sample

X-Ray Diffraction Laboratory (XRDL)

Method/Analysis Name Service Description Fee Analysis Request Form
XRD Powder Diffraction Pattern Standard Shot 1000₺/Numune Form

Powder Diffraction Pattern Low Angle Shooting (Up to 1 Hour)


Thin Film1 Diffraction Pattern Capture (Up to 1 Hour)


For every additional hour


1Device adjustments (approximately 15min/sample) and time taken for trial measurements will be charged for thin film measurements.